teringat budaq kecik si Macaulay Culcin tue kan...???hahaha...tp tetba plak aku lupe name cite die....bush bush...!!ape pny otak la...cpat sgt lupe...barusan td aku terigt name cite, tp xigt name budaq tue...ble igt name budaq tue, melayang2 plak name cite die di awang awangan....hahaha.....metafora x mukadimah pg nie...???
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....[manis gile pagi2 bg salam....auw auw....]
okey....first of all, i would like to stress that, this en3 has sumthing to do with anyone or anybody that has been in front of my door this morning....
just about half an hour ago....omaigosh...!!!takot gile pg nie...u just imagine...sedang korang duduq kat meja korg....bwat keje....around jam 3.00 until 5.00 pagi camtue.....then tetba ade org trying to bukak korg pny pintu umah...ape korg fikir kan...??ape korg imagine kan..??dan ape korg akan lakukan...??[sempat lagi berayat skema.....] diam wanie.....!!!
that was happened to me this morning....okey....take a deep breath....haaa....(korg bwat same okeh)okey...continue...ermmm....[bong+ok...!!mcm iklan colgate.....nk dptkan kesegaran nafas...hahaha...] aku kat depan meja comel aku nieh....tgh bwat layout drawing nk arrange meja and partition tuk MBPJ nie...still working on it.....hj musri nk kn drawing tue pg nie...!!!arkk...!!i'm not done with that drawing yet......blerghf.....sedang aku asyik melakukan kerja2 garisan serabut nie, tetba ade org putar tombol pintu...spontan aku pndang pintu....[heart beat da starting melonjak2....]whathehell....??sape plak tetba putar tombol pepagi mcm nie...that time xde tgk lagi airspace (gap bwh pntu for ventilation purpose) bwh pintu....thought that tombol tue automatically berputar...magic x imagination aku....???no no...itu bkn tombol automatic or automatic home door yg bley terbukak automatic when the owner stand in front of the door...yeay...!!!harharhar...
so, dgn rase xpercaya nye, aku pon trunkan mate ke bwh airspace tue....DAMN...!!![heart beat tetap melonjak2] i saw the legs....i saw black colour of pants...jeans maybe....GOSH...!!who's the hell pagi2 mensergah saya macam nie....???the worst part, when tetba that stranger trying to open the door...[heart beat bertambah melonjak2] luckily kami lock bahagian atas pintu dari dalam...STUCK....!!!lalala...~~~saya happy sebentar....[beating tetap melonjak jugak] sbb, the stranger xbley bukak la....huuuu....but it was soooo sekejap....tetba the stranger mcm xpuas hati...i heard sumthing....the stranger cube nk mencungkil pintu aku....again...DAMN...!!!whathehell..???
aku stil lagi perhatikan ape die nk bwat lepas tue...tp die keep mencube nk bukak pintu aku....mmg USAHA TANGGA KEJAYAAN kan..???tp usaha die langsung x membuahkan hasil....aku pon senyap2 kejutkan rin...slalu klu die terjaga je mest akan tny...sbb aku xnk kejutkan stranger di luar, rin bngn2 je trus aku suh die ttp mulut...aku pon bgtau die ape ade kat luar [yeay..!!bkn nazwan di luar rin...cewah...kunun nk suprised rin...huahuahua...] diam la wanie..!!! pastue rin bngn je, ktorg usha airspace bwh lagi...still ade..!!!gile la...mmg USAHA TANGGA KEJAYAAN stranger nie...hehehe...rin gtau jantung die laju...haha...aku gtau la...aku pny dari td lg laju da...hehe....pastue rin ketuk pintu tue...tetba.....zuuuppp...!!!ape korg pk....????korang rase ape jd...???jeng jeng jeng.....
si stranger tue pon hilang.....fuhhh...~~~ [heat beat melonjak2 jugak...]
pastue rin ckp nk bukak pintu...aku pon prepare la pisau di tangan...pejuang tegar berani mati x aku pg td...???hahaha...mmg..mmg tegar gile nk tgk ape kat luar...hehe...bukak pintu je, tros ktorg pndang kiri kanan atas bawah....hurgh..!!!seram nye...tegak bulu roma aku...huhu....ktorg tgk umah atas ke yg grill diorg bukak...hurm...xkan la diorg...mls la nk pk bukan2...xbaik tau curious ngan org....huhuhu....so, kami abaikan je....
check2 pintu ape yg xkena....MEMANG BETUL...!!!die nk cungkil pintu kami...ade 2 kesan cungkilan 1 kat bahagian atas tombol...another 1 kat bahagian bwah tombol....blerghf....kau da merosakkan aset sewaan kami...!!!BODOH....!!!stress je tgk...baru terfikir mcm xnk rosakkan ape2 kat umah tue....huh...!!
bile mcm da puas hati tgk keadaan keliling, ktorg pon terus lock grill n lock pintu sume la....takot pny pasal..haha...xnk la jd pape...huuu...so, terus da hilang ngantok...serius..td before kejadian mcm ade rase ngantok2...now, hilang terus...huhuhu...tp, heat beat still x hilang2 lagi....gulp...
i text mr RR....terjaga terus die...sori syg...i bwat u terjaga...herm....die soh lock everything lain kali...huhu...till now, FOBIA masih ade....haha..still nk tgk pintu tiap kai duduq kat meja....
heart beat masih melonjak2.......
me:kan elok nk masok umah org bg salam.....macam en3 kali nie...ade salam...[dush dush..!!nape slaloo xbg salam..???haha] xpon jerit je la...."Hello.....any body at the home.....????"
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